How to connect your PC to laptop as a monitor

How to connect your PC to laptop as a monitor ?


I use to work testing laptop panels using LEM pixinator. If you use a newer PC then it may be possible. The trick is getting analog laptop panel to sinc with newer AGP card. 

then there is an issue of converting the data cable to VGA or DVI and inverting the power 5 or 10 volt. Radio Shack probably has the hardware to convert the power. not to difficult. the data cable lead can be bought online or possibley salvaged from the laptop it came from. then you will need to join that cable to a VGA adapter. 

If the two PC's are networked, you can use the MaxiVista software, which extends your primary PC screen onto one (or more) network available PCs. The software is very simple to install. 

Most laptops have a 15 pin connector on the back, which is the standard monitor cable connector. Most LCD/plasma TVs also have a 15 pin connector also, so you can go into your nearest computer/electronics store and pick up a 6ft 15pin monitor cable for under $20. If it is a modern laptop, it may have HDMI instead, in which case you can connect it to a HDMI monitor or most LCD/plasma TVs. 

Buy a vga male to male cable. Make sure your PC and laptop, both have female VGA inputs. it looks like it has about 12 dots (a vga input) and also looks similar to a weird rectangle.
