Ubuntu 12.10 Free Download Release

 Ubuntu 12.10 Release

Web Apps

If you use web applications like Facebook, Gmail or Flickr, you’re in for a treat. You can now pin them to the Launcher on the Ubuntu desktop and launch them with a single click.

Online search

The Dash has always let you search your computer for your files, photos and videos. Now it does more than just search your computer - it can search your online accounts too.

Dash previews

Ubuntu aims to take the effort out of everything. With Ubuntu 12.10, you can preview your search results in the Dash to see more options, without having to open more windows.


You can surf in safety with Ubuntu — confident that your files and data will stay protected. A built-in firewall and virus protection are available. And if a potential threat appears, we provide automatic updates which you can install in a single click. You get added security with AppArmor, which protects your important applications so attackers can’t access your system. And thanks to Firefox and gnome-keyring, Ubuntu helps you keep your private information private. So whether it’s accessing your bank account or sharing sensitive data with friends or colleagues, you’ll have peace of mind when you need it the most.

 You can download from your torrent application:
 Enjoy your new update release of Ubuntu 12.10
 if you don't have torrent client you can download from here

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